Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav, a.s.
The joint-stock company Vodovody a kanalizace (water main and sewerage systems) Mladá Boleslav supplies drinking water to approx. 100,000 inhabitants of the Mladá Boleslav district and cleans the used and polluted water in its sewage disposal plants.
In this way, the water of adequate quality returns back to the nature. The supplied water is quality water and its bulk is suitable for the preparation of infant food. The primary aims of all employees of the company are not only the reliable and continuous supplies of drinking water to inhabitants and its ensuing cleaning, but mainly the maximum effort to ensure the permanent satisfaction of all customers with provided services.
More than 95 per cent of the company’s shares are owned by the cities and municipalities of the Mladá Boleslav district. This fact ensures them the direct control of purposefulness of expended resources for the renewal and modernisation of water main and sewerage systems in the district.